While lifestyle changes and natural remedies may help manage excessive perspiration, there are cases when they aren't enough. In such cases, you need to consider taking hyperhidrosis medications to keep your sweating woes at bay.
But before choosing the right drug, it’s important to do some research first.
Continue reading to know more about the topical and oral medications available for managing hyperhidrosis.
Topical Hyperhidrosis Medications
Topical medications are applied to your ultra-sweaty areas to keep them as dry as possible.
Aluminum Chloride
Antiperspirants and deodorants are your first line of defense in combating hyperhidrosis. It’s important to note that these two have different functions.
Antiperspirants block sweat production, while deodorants mask and eliminate sweat odor. There’s a wide range of antiperspirant-deodorant combos found in the market, but they may not always be effective for people with hyperhidrosis.
If this is the case, opt for clinical-strength antiperspirants and deodorants. More importantly, choose one that has aluminum chloride when shopping for the right product.
Aluminum chloride blocks your sweat ducts, thus reducing perspiration. However, its results aren’t long-lasting. You need to reapply it now and then to continue enjoying its effects.
Plus, some people have an adverse reaction to aluminum chloride. But this depends on how sensitive your skin is. That’s why you should test it first on a small area on your skin to see if you’re sensitive or allergic to the product.
Qbrexza is one of the newest hyperhidrosis medications that you can apply on your skin. Manufactured by Dermira, Inc., Qbrexza has recently been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration just last October 2018.
Since it’s topical and non-invasive, Qbrexza is a convenient treatment for those who are experiencing excessive sweating. It comes in a box filled with individually-packed cloth soaked with 2.4% glycopyrronium, an anticholinergic drug that targets neurotransmitters that block sweat formation.
Before using Qbrexza, make sure that your armpits are thoroughly cleansed. You should also have no breaks on the skin to avoid unwanted irritation.
To use Qbrexza, simply wipe the towelette on both of your armpits. Glycopyrronium blocks the receptors responsible for activating the sweat glands, thus minimizing sweat production.
Discard the towelette after use as these cloths are for single use only.
Wash your hands meticulously to prevent eye irritation in case you rub your eyes while still having a remnant of the glycopyrronium-soaked pads.
One cloth is enough for both pits, so it’s not wasteful. You can already enjoy its benefits just by using it once daily.
While Qbrexza is an effective and convenient solution, it still has its fair share of side effects.
For one, it can dry your mouth, and even cause sore throat and skin redness. It should also not be used on children aged nine years and below.
Oral Hyperhidrosis Medications
If the topicals don’t work, you can ask your doctor to give you oral meds that can help control hyperhidrosis.
Also found in Qbrexza pads, anticholinergics are hyperhidrosis medications that target certain neurotransmitters responsible for sweat formation, thus blocking sweat production. Plus, it combats excessive perspiration because it can dry your skin.
An example of oral anticholinergic medication used for excessive sweating is Robinul.
But unlike antiperspirants, anticholinergics don’t just control sweating on a certain area of your body. Their effects are systemic. Regular intake decreases sweating all over the body, including areas that don’t perspire much.
Though this may seem like a good thing because you don’t have to deal with sweat that much, it puts you at risk for overheating. Remember, sweating is the body’s way of cooling itself.
Other rare side effects include drowsiness, blurred vision, dry eyes, headaches, and heart palpitations.
Beta Blockers and Benzodiazepines
Beta blockers and benzodiazepines are commonly used for treating symptoms of anxiety. But they can also help control excessive sweating.
They target the central nervous system, giving them the ability to control sweat production, especially stress-induced sweating. They also keep tabs on high blood pressure and stabilize the heart’s rhythm, easing the body’s natural response to stress.
But unlike anticholinergic drugs, beta blockers and benzodiazepines have more serious risks. Regular intake may slow down your heart rate, induce hallucinations, and cause nausea and breathing problems. That’s why they aren’t touted as a long-term solution to hyperhidrosis.